2 Symptoms Of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a particularly malignant form of cancer that is very aggressive and curing it is very difficult. While it generally shows up in the lungs, it can show up in other parts of your body as well because it affects the mesothelium of your body, which is a thin layer of tissue that surrounds your lungs, your abdomen, and your heart. Anywhere on your body that is covered by the mesothelium is at risk for mesothelioma, and it can spread from one part of your body to another. Many people don't get treatment as quickly as they can because the symptoms of mesothelioma are so similar to other things. So, what are some symptoms of this nasty form of cancer?

Chest Pain

If you are feeling a lot of pain in your chest, particularly focused under your rib cage, that can be a sign that you have mesothelioma. This is one that can also be confused with other things, so it may take a while to diagnose if this is one of the only symptoms you are seeing. You may need to push your doctor about a diagnosis if nothing seems to help it. 

Water in Your Chest

Another symptom of mesothelioma is water in your chest. This can lead to your chest feeling heavy and tight. When you cough, it may sound and feel wet. Because there is increased liquid in your lungs, the space that you need to breathe is going to be limited, so you are going to have a harder time breathing deeply, especially when you are laying down. That liquid will have more pressure on your lungs when you are laying down because there is more surface area of your lungs to be affected when you are horizontal.

When you are sitting up, gravity will help keep the liquid lower in your chest. Your doctor may insert a needle in your chest to try to drain out some of the fluid so that they can test it to see what it is. They may be able to see the fluid on x-ray by the shadow that it casts on the rest of your chest, but they may do an ultrasound instead since that tends to work a little better to show fluid. 

Knowing what some of the symptoms of mesothelioma can help you get diagnosed and treated sooner. The faster you are diagnosed, the better your treatment will work. If you are diagnosed with this form of cancer, contact a company such as ASBESTOS TRUST FUND CLAIMS to find out your options for filing a claim.
